Monday, September 29, 2014

                    Student’s success statement

                 “You have brains in your head,
                    You have feet in your shoes;
                       You can steer yourself in
                     any direction you choose.
                          You’re on your own,
                 And you know what you know.
          You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”
                                     Dr. Seuss                                                                      
this quote from Dr. Seuss wonderful because is telling you the truth you are the person that makes the decision to choose were you want to go and be successful in life or not.

                                     Trauma nurse

Duties and responsibilities: trauma involving different patient needs ages, cultures, and severity of presenting symptoms. The trauma nurse must respond with decisiveness and clarity to unexpected events by assessing, intervening, and stabilizing patients about whom there is minimal information. Trauma nurses location is in emergency rooms or critical care units.

Salary: $60,000 to $70,000 per year range.

Education: to become a trauma nurse it will take years of schooling and specialize training. First you will start venture basic nursing training. You are required to obtain a diploma, associate’s degree, or bachelor’s degree.   

Reflection: I would not like to be a trauma nurse because you have to go rushing fast to save people life in the emergency room I will like to save people lives, but what about if the person dies in your hand when you are giving him medical treatment. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

                   Student’s success statement
               “Obedience is the great test of life.”
                               Tomas .S Monson

This quote from Thomas S. Monson obedience s the great test of life is great because is true what he means. Is because whatever test you took is the great test of your life because you did good on your test and you did what you suppose to do.
                                Biomedical Engineer

Duties and responsibilities: Is the application of engineering principles and design medicine and biology for healthcare purposes. This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine. This combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biology sciences to advance the healthcare treatment that includes diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy.  

Salary: $45,011-$94,076

Education: to become a biomedical engineering it requires knowledge of both engineering and biology, and have masters (M.S, M Tech, M.S.E or M.Eng.) is important to aspect in BME (biomedical engineering.)  

Reflection: I would like to be a biomedical engineering because I would like to design medicine so it helps people who are sick and will cure them. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

                       Student’s success statement

‘’obedience is central to becoming, being, and reaming happy.’’

                                      David Bednar

This quote from David Bednar means that listing and doing the right thing makes you happy. For example if you do your homework on time you don’t have to worry because you finish and you’re glad, happy.  

Duties and responsibilities: film producer prepare then supervise the making of the film before presenting to financing entity or a film distributor. If you’re an employed by a production company or independent they help creative people as accounting personnel. During the discovery stage the producer has to find and acknowledge promising material.

Salary: $109,860 in the U.S. 15,000+producer in L.A. is $138,640.

Education: there are different ways to become a film producer. Others producer started as actors or directors. Film schools offer degree courses that include film production acknowledge. Some of the courses are designed for future film producer focusing on key topics like pitching, script development, script assessment, shooting schedule design and budgeting.   

Reflection: I would like to be a producer one day because I think is a lot of fun and I like making videos. I would like to be that because you to do a lot of stuff working with actress or actors and I like doing those stuff. It would be a great experience to be a producer one day.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

                                Reggie Bush

Some people made of know Reggie bush as the best college football player. What Reggie bush did was really bad because he broke the rules of ncaa and he was playing dirty and he was on the wall of shame. If Reggie bush wouldn’t broke the rules he would have kept his Heisman trophy.  
                    Students Success Statement
               ‘’Obedience sums up our entire duty”
                                Hosea Ballou
This quote from Hosea Ballou means that listing and doing all what you supposed to do it sums up everything meaning you don't have to do anything else no more because your finish.
                            Autogenic Training

Duties and responsibilities: Is a powerful mind and body technique involving simple relaxations and the body awareness exercise.  These reduce the intensity of the body's stress response and replace it with a calmer physiological state. In which self-healing begins to occur.    

Salary: $250 an hour

Education: a year in college and then you go to a training program.

Reflection: I would like to do autogenic training because it will come me down when I’m stress. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

                       CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
                    Student’s Success Statement
‘’The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.’’
                                Boyd k. Packer

This quote from Boyd k. packer means the more you pay attention and follow the rules you get freedom you get to do whatever you want more often. 
                                 Auricular Therapy

Duties and responsibilities: Is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear micro system which reflects to the entire body. It represents on the auricle the outer portion of the ear. This affects the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient that are treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively.

Salary: $38,237  

Education:  To be an auricular therapy you have to go to training center that is located in Orlando Florida (USA). This training center has approximately 30 people and they teach them a year.

Reflection: I would not like to be an auricular therapy because I would not like to be the person putting on the needles to the patient.

Friday, September 12, 2014

                 911 Memorial Attack
Some of you people might have heard about 911 or even seen it in real life. Tuesday September 11, 2001 there was four terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda to the United States in New York City. The attacks killed almost 3,000 people and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage. 19 al-Qaeda terrorist hijacked four passenger airlines so they could be flown into buildings in suicide attacks. Two of those planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the north and south towers, of the world Trade Center complex in New York City. Within in two hours, both towers collapsed with debris and the resulting fires causing it to complete collapsed other buildings in the WTC complex. Almost 3,000 people died in the attacks, including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes.
What a horrible attack, It was sad for the people who were on board on the planes and in the building when it was crashed. It must be even more horrible and emotional for the people that they have lots in this 911 memorial attack. 


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

                        Student success statement
                     ‘’The key to freedom is obedience”
                                               Boyd K. Packer

This quote from Boyd K. Packer is great because it tells you how to be free by just obeying. If you want to do whatever you want in life you just got to have a good behavior and do all your duties. By doing all of that you could do other stuff and be free.  
Definition: the state or quality being obedient. The act or practice of obeying; dutiful or submissive compliance.

Synonyms: conformity   respect        agreement       
                            Duty           deference    good behavior

Examples: obedience is given to those who, in their hierarchical roles, demand it.
Tradition armies drill unquestioning obedience into their grunts.

Nicole also works part time as a dog trainer teaching basic obedience. 

Duties and responsibilities: is a branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders. He or she uses various instruments to diagnose hearing difficulties and balance disorders. An audiologist measures hearing loss and determines its cause.

Salary: $72,000 or $35 per hour.

Education:  To practice as an audiologist, you will need to earn a Doctor of Audiology degree or AuD. This usually takes four years after first earning a bachelor's degree.

Reflection: I think I would like to be an audiologist one day because I will like to help other people. Being an audiologist well be a great experience to be able to work with people who can’t hear or related disorders. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

                   Students success statement

‘’What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player.”
                               John wooden

This quote from john wooden means that it doesn't matters if you’re a great basketball player. He’s saying that what’s inside of you is important because is who you are and you could do much better than a basketball player.
                            Athletic Trainer  
Duties and Responsibilities: Are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. 

Salary:  $35,000 to $75,000 per year

Education:  the requirements of being an athletic trainer you need a bachelor degree. Others professional have a graduate degree.

Reflection: I would not like to be an athletic trainer because I would not like to be the one fixing that person nee when they have twisted it.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

                    Choose The Right!!!
               Students Success Statement
            “Your past is not your potential.”
                       Marilyn Ferguson

   This quote from Marilyn Ferguson means that whatever happens in the past stays in the past don’t try to go back and try to change it. Move on from the past and focus on the present or your future. 
Deities and Responsibilities:  Is a physician trained in anesthesia and preoperative medicine. Anesthesiologists provide medical care to patients in a wide variety of situations. This includes a preoperative evaluation, consultation with the surgical team, creation of a plan for the anesthesia tailored to each individual patient.
Salary: $348,831
Education: For years of medical school either with M.D or D.O degree.

Reflection: I would not like to be an anesthesiologist because I would not like to give people a surgery or anesthesia. Anesthesiologist is not the kind of job for me or career.  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

                   Ambulance Dispatcher
Duties and Responsibilities: A professional telecommunicator , tasked with gathering of information related to medical emergencies. The provision of assistance and instructions by voice, prior to the arrival of emergency medical service, and the dispatching and support of EMS resources responding to an emergency call. The term Emergency Medical Dispatcher is also a certification level and a professional designation, certified through the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International 
Salary: $36,300
Education: Some states have developed or adopted training guidelines for emergency and ambulance dispatchers to ensure a set of uniform standards are followed. Programs and courses are offered through community and technical colleges, state agencies, professional organizations and approved training facilities. 

Reflection: I would like to be an ambulance dispatcher one day because I like to help people and especially if there in trouble. It will be a great experience to try to help other people that needs assistance.